Good question. I've been talking to a couple of friends about taking over for me, so we'll see how that goes. If I can manage to foist the Minecraft server over to some poor soul hopefully things will go back to normal and if I don't find a worthy successor... I'm not sure what will happen. (This post is a follow up to this post. Take a look at it if you demand an explanation.)
Should you be worried about someone else being in charge? Well, if you're invested enough to be worried about the fate of the server you should probably be more concerned with what happens if nobody takes over. So no. Okay fine– I won't hand over total power to just any shmuck off the #virtual-street channel, we'll establish some criteria before making any big decisions. How to become the owner of the Moonrabbit Haven Minecraft Server!!!!!!b Criteria 1: No outsiders can apply. Oh yeah, did I mention I'm taking applications? If after reading this you think you have what it takes (and more importantly you want to actually do it), PM me on Discord (henrymoonrabbit#1368). Criteria 1 (again): No outsiders. Anyone calling the shots needs to be popular among the people (I guess we'll let them vote to approve the new owner in the #democracy-arena) and a familiar face. This is an oligarchy, yo. Criteria 2: Candidates must have some prior Minecraft server management experience, be willing to learn how to use MCProHosting spend a lot of time watching YouTube tutorials, and generally be good at "computer stuff." (These qualifications are flexible I am desperate.) Criteria 3: Candidates must demonstrate sincerity, responsibility, and intent to fulfill their duties. I don't want to give you a full Minecraft server apprenticeship just to have you decide you're not into it at the last minute. I'm looking for someone who's serious about this. Sounds good. What exactly comes with the role of Moonrabbit Minecraft server CEO? I guess we're doing a Q&A style post again because I do a lot of those apparently. Being the COO means you get near-complete control over the Minecraft server. Nothing more, nothing less. You are free to carry out your creative vision as long as it's still Moonrabbit-branded and you don't ban me. I think maybe the people can also kick you out of office using the Discord server voting system but we can discuss that privately if it feels inappropriate after the amount of work you put in. And don't worry about paying for hosting, I will gladly pitch in $10 a month. (If you want to expand the scope of the server you gotta pay for the extra hosting fee though.) (Start a Patreon.) A good way to think about your leadership position is as Chief Executive Officer of the Moonrabbit Haven Official Minecraft Server, a subsidiary of Moonrabbit Industries. Your godpower is limited to the Minecraft server and you can't eff with our brand. Also you can be an admin on the Discord server. And write blog posts.oh my god i am fantasizing about the perfect ceo ♥~ Ahem. I think that's... I think that's all? Ah, since it's the first blog post in awhile we'll just go over a few more unrelated things... Thing no. 1: I am looking for a proofreader! Basically if anyone wants to officially do it (Dad?) I will tell you when I've posted something new and you can hunt for typos/share any notes you have :] Thing no. 2: I have an interactive game-related post planned! It'll be half fun, half data collection, and all Moonrabbit! Thing no. 3: There are no more things! Happy Birthday Sam! -Henry (proud CEO)
1 Comment
11/23/2020 12:05:44 am
Cool post Henry! I like reading these because they are fun for me to read!
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