2022 was a good year for music dude. I mean, I think it was... it doesn't seem like people are really upset at least. Maybe at Drake actually I dunno. 21 Savage helped. This year I compulsively catalogued every album I listened to and enjoyed, and I ended up with so much stuff I wanted to talk about that I decided to just dump it all out and see what stuck. Intro-ing this post at the beginning of the blogging process, I saw it as sort of lower effort, less creative, auto-generated year-end content, and I wrote a very self deprecating paragraph to match. But you know what, I think a lot of it stuck, not sucked! This time around we do some crate digging, drift down the chill jazz lazy river, get into some Toro y Moi lore... I daresay this post earned its spot in the Creative category. And if you don't have the stamina to read everything (it took me more than a month to write it all), there's always the Henry-appointed album vibe to skim, and a good old top ten list at the very end, for tradition's sake. Thanks for taking this journey through 100+ albums (or death by a hundred cuts) with me, and I hope you find something new to listen to!
Hello everyone. Mom, dad, grandparents, Google SEO bot, and unknown person that statistically won't click "Read more" after getting here from a sticker– Thank you all so much for gathering here, once again, to celebrate my greeting card holiday in the making. I wonder if giving people Moonrabbit Day cards this year will guilt them into buying me one next year (which I can charge them for as the sole distributor of Moonrabbit Day cards)? It’s worth a shot. Getting them all done by the end of the day is going to be rough though since I waited to start writing this until it was dark out. I can already feel my suppressed Valentine’s Day Eve card making trauma resurfacing. Is that something everyone did as a little kid? Or was it only at my elementary school? I guess if you’re taking the time to read this it’s okay if you don’t get me anything next year. Just buy a shirt already so I don’t have to register Moonrabbit Industries as a non-profit.
I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should attempt writing this post. On the one hand, I had every intention of writing it after the last end of year post I did, I've been keeping track of what games I've played, and it's gonna be embarrassing if I have to retcon every instance of me saying I would write this after not writing it. On the other hand, the end of the semester is kicking my ass, and in my spare time I've been doing a lot of game writing (not blog writing) that feels really great! Whatever option I end up going with, it's nearly the end of January so I need to decide fast. If I don't get my list of games up before VideoGameDunkey does, A: I'll be a failure and B: It'll be the middle of March. I'm gonna have to think long and hard about this one...