2022 was a good year for music dude. I mean, I think it was... it doesn't seem like people are really upset at least. Maybe at Drake actually I dunno. 21 Savage helped. This year I compulsively catalogued every album I listened to and enjoyed, and I ended up with so much stuff I wanted to talk about that I decided to just dump it all out and see what stuck. Intro-ing this post at the beginning of the blogging process, I saw it as sort of lower effort, less creative, auto-generated year-end content, and I wrote a very self deprecating paragraph to match. But you know what, I think a lot of it stuck, not sucked! This time around we do some crate digging, drift down the chill jazz lazy river, get into some Toro y Moi lore... I daresay this post earned its spot in the Creative category. And if you don't have the stamina to read everything (it took me more than a month to write it all), there's always the Henry-appointed album vibe to skim, and a good old top ten list at the very end, for tradition's sake. Thanks for taking this journey through 100+ albums (or death by a hundred cuts) with me, and I hope you find something new to listen to!
I've been going back and forth on whether or not I should attempt writing this post. On the one hand, I had every intention of writing it after the last end of year post I did, I've been keeping track of what games I've played, and it's gonna be embarrassing if I have to retcon every instance of me saying I would write this after not writing it. On the other hand, the end of the semester is kicking my ass, and in my spare time I've been doing a lot of game writing (not blog writing) that feels really great! Whatever option I end up going with, it's nearly the end of January so I need to decide fast. If I don't get my list of games up before VideoGameDunkey does, A: I'll be a failure and B: It'll be the middle of March. I'm gonna have to think long and hard about this one...
It feels like every app and their grandma is pushing some kind of personalized, year-end summary of all the content you’ve used their platform to gorge yourself on this time of year. The endless stream of AI-generated powerpoints showcasing your favorite Spotify artists/most improved Google Docs/most CashApped crack dealer popping up when you’re just trying to use your distraction app of choice for the minute and a half it’ll take to microwave a hot pocket really makes you yearn for the simpler times of the Top Ten list, doesn’t it? The simpler times, being of course the other eleven months of the year when people stop paying attention to AIs that can tell you what awful death metal genre you like the most and it stops being socially acceptable to flood all your social media accounts with screenshots of your Spotify wrapped. (Porta-Potty clowncore, anyone?)
I dropped my glasses into some gravel at an unknown date last spring. They were mildly scratched. I know because two and a half pages in the journal I was using at the time to jot down notes and sketches and whatnot for my game have been repurposed to describe the process in exhausting detail. Minus the date, which is strange. Typically, I am very organized in labelling my note-taking, but it’s possible that being concerned with what day it was felt trivial or even inappropriate given the severity of the issue at hand.