Alright, here I am. I have no more excuses not to write this. I was gonna write this last Monday and then I was gonna write it this Monday and then it was Tuesday and now it's Wednesday. People keep asking me what's going on and I keep saying "I'll write a blog post tomorrow" and then adding another floor to my base. Which looks cool by the way you should come check it out. Anyway. I guess I have a number of questions to answer today. Here's some I can think of off the top of my head:
- Why have there been no updates over the past 2 weeks? - Have you even done anything productive over the past 2 weeks? - Playing Hat in Time doesn't count as being productive. Good game though. - Oh yeah, what's the deal with the corruption you keep using as an excuse not to work on the server? Those are all very good questions. I will do my best to answer them. You're pretty good at this, you know. You could be interviewing me right now if you really wanted to. I think we could make that happen. You have my number. Where have you been for the past 2 weeks? At home! Just like you! I've just been, uh... you know, hanging out... playing games... the ushe... OK, OK, I know that look. I get it. You want to hear about where the blog has been, not me. You could have just said that... Where has the blog been for the past 2 weeks? The blog has been quiet for a number of reasons. Actually maybe only one reason. I'll start another list and see if I can think of more excuses- *ahem* reasons as I go. - There hasn't really been anything new to discuss. Obviously that is also my fault because I'm the guy that adds in all the new stuff but I have a pretty good reason for why I'm not doing that either. It's part of the next question though. Stick with me. God this is not going well. - It turns out What's New: Week of _____ is the name Nintendo uses for the weekly eShop updates on the Switch News app. I did... not know that. Really. I think maybe I subconsciously copied the name or something but it was not on purpose. I am deeply ashamed. Also, they even use the same font this website is in for some of their thumbnails. That was... very... unintentional... You know what, no. I'm pretty sure they copied me. I think they saw this website and had to get a piece of the action and copied my column name AND font. Yeah. I can't compete with Nintendo though. I think I have no choice but to change the name of the weekly update column to... the Weekly Update column! Man, where do I get all of these great names from? Xbox doesn't use that one, right... Let's see... OK I think we're good. Can you please just cut the bit and tell us what's going on with the server? Yeah. Right. I'm glad you're... enthusiastic about what's going on. Over the past couple of weeks, the server's performance has kind of been tanking. Astute Moonrabbit Haven observers may have even noticed that the server was down for awhile on Friday and is whitelisted at the moment. We've been having problems with buggy entities, chunks taking forever to load in, and occasional rubber-banding and block lag when more than a few people are on. Not great. Some of these problems appear to be stemming from the server running on only 2 GB of RAM, and that can be fixed. Unfortunately for me the solution to that problem is paying double the amount I'm currently paying for the server to get 4 GB of RAM, which is the smallest upgrade possible. This would mean I would be paying $20 a month to keep my server running and when I think about how much that adds up to after a year... I start to have trouble seeing how paying 8 times as much as the base game annually is worth it. Okay, so that's the first problem. The second problem is either not that big of a deal, or much worse depending on how you feel about your Minecraft house and also everybody else's Minecraft houses. Since about the beginning of the month the Towny world has been showing signs of corruption. Remember that bug where item frames wouldn't break and you'd lose the item inside forever? That's also happening with boats, minecarts, and paintings. I made a test world with the Multiverse plugin to see if the bugs were the result of a bad plugin or something and everything worked fine in the new world. The problem is with the current Towny world. Full disclosure: I downloaded the spawn online as a 1.7 world and I assumed it would be fine. I guess it wasn't. Isn't. Anyway, It's looking like maybe everyone will have to migrate over to a new Towny world which would be a pain in the ass and maybe worth calling it quits over. I think we'll lose a lot of people and I don't think everyone feels like rebuilding all of their stuff again. Sorry guys. The way you attempt to fix a corrupted world is a little sketchy and can potentially blow up in your face. It's necessary to close and create a backup of your server before you screw around with something like this. I closed the server on Friday so I could experiment with salvaging the world, and that was when I discovered another problem: MCProHosting's backup/restoring service was temporarily broken. It's still temporarily broken. That meant I needed to go to the support team so they could manually delete my old backup and create a new one, so I did, and they are still working on it. Just about everything that could go wrong with a server is going wrong with the server. Since I haven't been able to get a backup of the server, I haven't been comfortable with trying to do any major bug-fixing/world updating to 1.16/corruption fighting and progress has pretty much flatlined. It's also kinda felt pointless considering everything might just be gone in a week anyway. Once I am clear to work on the server and I've made a little progress I'll write another entry. Promise. I hope that wasn't too long or too dense. And sorry for a kind of downer update. I've been writing this in the bathroom for the past hour and there's like no air circulation and I feel like vomiting. That might have been TMI. My point is I am excited to finish writing this and get out of here. Hopefully you got something out of this. More uplifting news is on the way. -Henry